Robo Wars Resources

Lego EV3 Robot Challenges:

1. Drive 50 CM and stop. (CHALLENGE: DRIVE 50CM, THEN PLAY A SOUND).

2. Drive 50 CM, stop, turn around, and drive back. (CHALLENGE: Drive until you sense the black line. Then come back).

3. Drive 50 cm, grab the box, and drive backwards to the start. (CHALLENGE: SENSE THE BOX TO STOP)

4. Sensabot, drive forward, stop put arm up on each black line. (CHALLENGE: USE SENSORS ON EACH LINE).

5. Drive around the obstacle: Program your robot to drive forward AROUND the box and then come back. (CHALLENGE: DO A DANCE AT THE END).

6. Inside the room: Attach the touch sensor. Program your robot to touch all 4 walls of the room. (CHALLENGE: USE A COLOR SENSOR TO SENSE THE COLOR ON THE BLUE WALL AND PLAY A SOUND WHEN YOU TOUCH IT).

7. Maze: Using the ultra-sonic or infared sensor, program your robot to drive through the maze.

8. Challenge 1: Drive through the